Government Corruption

Government response has been feigned ignorance, outright lies and punishment for exposing the truth. Every politician I contacted said there was nothing they could do about the injury their workers caused or the gross malpractice by numerous doctors for saying no to and exposing sexual harassment by mainstream medical.
The Sick 'Health System' in Australia
The federal health system gives power to the states. The state puts out a 'healthcare charter of rights' which is a misrepresentation, as legally mainstream doctors can refuse treatment. Federal government dictates that a doctor has to allot 20 points to access disability support. After going into debt to get an assessment through chiropractor I applied for disability support from the federal government. Centrelink rejected my claim. I appealed to the tribunal for a hearing. The 'tribunal' consisted of one man who squirmed in his chair while telling me I had to have 20 points from mainstream doctor. He ignored the overwhelming evidence I provided and has allotted me a zero disability rating meaning that Centrelink will cut me off if I can't do 15 hours work a week to pay for Newstart allowance, which I can't do. Written report by alternative spinal specialist states I am ‘in constant pain and unable to stand, sit or walk without aggravating her condition and it is difficult for her to perform many activities of daily living.’
It is discrimination for federal government to penalise those refused mainstream medical when state government legislation allows doctors to refuse treatment.
Info sheet said I was not allowed to film so my friend did.
Govt minion is recorded saying he has seen my evidence, yet the lawyers documents he had drawn up state that he didn't see my evidence. It is against the law for me to publish the 'tribunal's' (one man) fictitious finding, so I share my response.
On the 15th April, 2008 I suffered severe and permanent spinal injuries caused by negligent state govt workers. State government legislation allows mainstream medical doctors to refuse treatment. I formally complained about sexual harassment by doctor just prior to injury. Mainstream medical refused treatment. Centrelink has been fully informed of my extensive and exhaustive efforts to obtain mainstream medical diagnosis and treatment. Multiple mainstream doctors committed fraud, claiming from Medicare when they did not provide diagnosis or treatment of my injury. Many perjured themselves in court documents to defame me and assert the injury as false.
I lodged 4 statutory declarations from witnesses to the disability and pain I live in every day from extensive spinal injuries and to the refusal of mainstream medical to provide medical assistance. I provided evidence of my web page where I speak out publicly about the malpractice inflicted on myself and my family by mainstream medical, to effect legislative change to protect patients. I also lodged evidence of my Facebook page: where mainstream medical malpractice stories from around the world are publicly shared, including my own. (have not been able to post as fakebook threaten to delete page.)
I provided evidence of diagnosis and treatment through alternative spinal specialist. I have receipts for 22 spinal treatments. I provided written and video evidence of extensive spinal injuries as diagnosed. The video diagnostic assessment explains the extensive injuries beginning at the dislocated vertebra at the base of my spine continuing up through further severe injuries to the extreme injury at the apex of my spine that has also displaced my left shoulder girdle.
Report by Centrelink job capacity assessor was not received until one day after review. The report she wrote was a fabrication of her own making.
The evidence I put before her was the written Chiropractic assessment of my injury that states I am ‘in constant pain and unable to stand, sit or walk without aggravating her condition and it is difficult for her to perform many activities of daily living.’
The Centrelink job capacity assessor is a psychologist and stated she was not qualified to assess physical injuries. Job capacity assessor did not ask to see x rays or video diagnostics. The assessor told me to apply for disability.
I have consistently stated THE MORE I DO THE MORE IT HURTS. I cannot be forced into physical activity that will cause increased pain and disability, leaving me unable to care for myself. This is not even logical and a violation of my human rights.
My family is enduring extreme financial hardship existing on Newstart since the injury.
Needless to say that after all these years of my health, family and life destroyed living in agony and disability, I received no compensation for slip and fall on government property that caused my injuries. I am just one of the victims of their cruel, corrupt and unjust system. I made this series of videos to show the extent of injuries and warn others -
The Sick 'Health System' in Australia
The federal health system gives power to the states. The state puts out a 'healthcare charter of rights' which is a misrepresentation, as legally mainstream doctors can refuse treatment. Federal government dictates that a doctor has to allot 20 points to access disability support. After going into debt to get an assessment through chiropractor I applied for disability support from the federal government. Centrelink rejected my claim. I appealed to the tribunal for a hearing. The 'tribunal' consisted of one man who squirmed in his chair while telling me I had to have 20 points from mainstream doctor. He ignored the overwhelming evidence I provided and has allotted me a zero disability rating meaning that Centrelink will cut me off if I can't do 15 hours work a week to pay for Newstart allowance, which I can't do. Written report by alternative spinal specialist states I am ‘in constant pain and unable to stand, sit or walk without aggravating her condition and it is difficult for her to perform many activities of daily living.’
It is discrimination for federal government to penalise those refused mainstream medical when state government legislation allows doctors to refuse treatment.
Info sheet said I was not allowed to film so my friend did.
Govt minion is recorded saying he has seen my evidence, yet the lawyers documents he had drawn up state that he didn't see my evidence. It is against the law for me to publish the 'tribunal's' (one man) fictitious finding, so I share my response.
On the 15th April, 2008 I suffered severe and permanent spinal injuries caused by negligent state govt workers. State government legislation allows mainstream medical doctors to refuse treatment. I formally complained about sexual harassment by doctor just prior to injury. Mainstream medical refused treatment. Centrelink has been fully informed of my extensive and exhaustive efforts to obtain mainstream medical diagnosis and treatment. Multiple mainstream doctors committed fraud, claiming from Medicare when they did not provide diagnosis or treatment of my injury. Many perjured themselves in court documents to defame me and assert the injury as false.
I lodged 4 statutory declarations from witnesses to the disability and pain I live in every day from extensive spinal injuries and to the refusal of mainstream medical to provide medical assistance. I provided evidence of my web page where I speak out publicly about the malpractice inflicted on myself and my family by mainstream medical, to effect legislative change to protect patients. I also lodged evidence of my Facebook page: where mainstream medical malpractice stories from around the world are publicly shared, including my own. (have not been able to post as fakebook threaten to delete page.)
I provided evidence of diagnosis and treatment through alternative spinal specialist. I have receipts for 22 spinal treatments. I provided written and video evidence of extensive spinal injuries as diagnosed. The video diagnostic assessment explains the extensive injuries beginning at the dislocated vertebra at the base of my spine continuing up through further severe injuries to the extreme injury at the apex of my spine that has also displaced my left shoulder girdle.
Report by Centrelink job capacity assessor was not received until one day after review. The report she wrote was a fabrication of her own making.
The evidence I put before her was the written Chiropractic assessment of my injury that states I am ‘in constant pain and unable to stand, sit or walk without aggravating her condition and it is difficult for her to perform many activities of daily living.’
The Centrelink job capacity assessor is a psychologist and stated she was not qualified to assess physical injuries. Job capacity assessor did not ask to see x rays or video diagnostics. The assessor told me to apply for disability.
I have consistently stated THE MORE I DO THE MORE IT HURTS. I cannot be forced into physical activity that will cause increased pain and disability, leaving me unable to care for myself. This is not even logical and a violation of my human rights.
My family is enduring extreme financial hardship existing on Newstart since the injury.
Needless to say that after all these years of my health, family and life destroyed living in agony and disability, I received no compensation for slip and fall on government property that caused my injuries. I am just one of the victims of their cruel, corrupt and unjust system. I made this series of videos to show the extent of injuries and warn others -