Australia has the shameful embarrassment of being where the term ‘kangaroo court’ comes from, describing corrupt legal and nothing has changed. It's 2023, 15 years since being horribly injured. Qld health doctors perverted the course of justice to refuse diagnosis and stop me getting treatment or compensation after I refused sexual harassment by qld health doctor. Been trying all these years to get justice to no avail. So called lawyers won't even tell me what steps are required to take qld govt to court. 2021, I tried to sue for my rightful compensation myself....
Don't believe what you read on qld courts websites. The sites say that the rise in self representation is because of ‘self help’ attitude…no, people don’t want to pay for overpriced, incompetent bitches who roll over and bend down for each other at your expense. Phone numbers for help for the self represented are disconnected. Court volunteers won’t answer questions. Court registrars direct you to file in the wrong way.
Qld courts aren’t about presenting facts to get justice. I googled the crimes perpetrated on me by qld health and what came up was the criminal code. There are no specific laws to protect patients from the dirty, torturing murderers that are mainstream medical.
I’m still pissed about my first court attempt to get compensation owed me by QUEENSLAND STATE govt. Due to extensive spinal injuries during slip and fall on QUEENSLAND STATE property, I appeared via video link. Court document stated that it’s like zoom….no it’s not. The courtroom looked dark and the audio was low and grainy. It may have been the poor video quality but the male state lawyer appeared to grow scales on his head and the female had one eye on me and one on the pad she was writing on….they looked like the slug minions for evil Ursula from the Little Mermaid.
Then I got brain freeze when QUEENSLAND STATE lawyer falsely claimed that I didn’t advise them which I did; then had the gall to ask judge to make me pay for them to attend! They’ve already cost me everything including my home.
The judge strongly, strongly! advised me to get legal advice from community legal…well deary, you don't know your own business and are out of touch with reality. Community legal don’t handle personal injury or multiple malicious malpractice cases. Tried legal aid, community legal, Caxton St legal, Law Right and Basic Rights, more than once. Ice cold assholes, looking down on people they are funded by QUEENSLAND STATE govt to help. When human rights abuses, discrimination, vilification, defamation, medical malpractice etc are caused by QUEENSLAND STATE govt, these trash 'can't help'.
I think the judge meant that I should only claim for the couple of things doctors can be sued for, failure to diagnose and failure to refer to specialist. But they all did that for the 5 freaking years I tried to get help from them; while mass defaming me after I made a complaint to QUEENSLAND STATE HEALTH QUALITY COMPLAINTS COMMISSION! I had to go into debt to get diagnosis and treatment from a chiropractor who said my injuries were more off the scale than he’s seen in thirty years of practice!
Judges say they don’t want to be perceived as politically motivated – really? They’re in a QUEENSLAND STATE govt building and QUEENSLAND STATE govt pays them. I was the only one having my time, money and energy wasted. I brought this before the court but the court registrar refused my claim and told me to claim the wrong way. Judge gave QUEENSLAND STATE govt the order and said ‘state govt lawyers would be kind enough’ to send copy to me. Huh..?? Crooked as the rest of Australian 'society'. What QUEENSLAND STATE ‘health’ doctors did to me was and is criminal behaviour. Their crimes are described in the criminal code so that’s what I put in the claim. The state is responsible for my injuries that occured on QUEENSLAND STATE grounds; for not enacting laws to protect patients from QUEENSLAND STATE HEALTH QUALITY COMPLAINTS COMMISSION complaint retribution.
As I've had to do my own legal work, I found out late 2024 that QUEENSLAND STATE lawyers responded to my 2021 claim with case closed by me in 2014. The judge ruled in favor of a closed case. How can this be legal?
What's the point of having a 'legal system' that stops victims getting justice? Kangaroo court is an apt description for the travesty of justice I’ve experienced so far….